1.Cheers Sabrina! greetings from Peru Hell!,how are you in these days?Hi Diego...im doing good, not that good since im back from canada, but its getting better. I really miss that country and its getting really slow to get a life back in Germany....but anyways at least im in good health condition and im fine.
2.Sabrina tell us how you begin in the skateboarding,which is your inspiration to ride skate and destroy him?
I started because of my brother. He skated and sooner or later i was in his crew that became mine when he stopped. These days i was inspired from all the older guys in this crew and of course people like Elissa Steamer, Rowley, Creco and Dustin Dollin.-the whole PD Crew for sure.
3.You have Cheers Skateboards rigth,tell me how you started this skatebrand?
Well i actually wasnt really happy anymore with my board sponsor that time. And i always got the idea to make a brand that concentrate the support more to the girls, where support is really necessary. But i didnt have the money earlier and the contacts....at that time i when i started to get unhappy with my boardsponsor i had the money to start it and the contacts. It was not enough money but enough for a first production of boards. So i quit my boardsponsor and started cheers.
4.Actually which are your sponsors?
Volcom, Vans, Wolfsmensch Wheels, Cheers and pirate love tattoo.
5.You form part from some team? crew?
If you mean cheers, yes its both. Its a team and a crew. I dont have the money to put all of them together but the ones who know each other are down with each other. Thats very important you know. No one wants to skate with an ashole, so at cheers its first your attitude than your talent!
6.Sabrina you have the style from a punk skate destroyer girl...you listen fast music? like Misfists,Suicidal Tendecies?
Hahaha yes i like Misfits, but i dont listen to Suicidal Tendecies. I love motörhead, duane peters and the ramones, girlschool, L7, the Distillers. But i also love really relaxed music like allah-las, edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros (awesome musicians), Sixto Rodriguez, the Growlers(love their fucked up lyrics and playing) Joan Baez or good old Rockn Roll like Janis Joplin or Jimi Hendrix...i think that they are really the good musicians, not just simple playing thats what i like most at their music.
7.In Germany how is the skateboard scene? the girls have the support rigth?
No, the girls dont get enough support here like everywhere else its to less But a few good girl skaters get really good support and i think they get more support than other girls in other countries. I cannot say Germany is a bad place for girl skateboarding. Its not, at least there are not many girls who skate and i think the one who really skate good get good support. I think not enought but compare with other countries its good. You have to think we are not like america where girl skateboarding is really big and so they put a lot of money in it. But the medias here are open for girls skateboarding, and even the skate scene is more and more happy to see girls skating with them. Brands here like especially vans or volcom, but also iredaily, DC, even adidas (but maybe just because of the nice teammanager of germany) are doing a lot for girl skateboarding. REALLY not enough but I mean its not that easy for a big brand to put money in a part of skateboarding where not many customers exist. At least its a buissness and a lot of people dont really regocnize that you have to keep your brand alive to support the one you want. And if there is a better feedback if you do something like a tour with boys, ey better you do that and support one or two girls and put them on tour too and everyone gets good support, even the few girls, than put more girls in a team and the feedback is not that good. There are more boys skating out there, it is what it is and they wanna have idols too, girls are not the idols of the boys, but for the few girls who skate you also need to support a few real good girls, thats it. You should support just a few really good girls right, instead of a lot who are not bad.
8.Sabrina you ride only with Cheers Skateboards? or you ride with another boards? which is your preferred equipment in your skateboard? wheels,trucks...?
I just ride with cheers boards, come on. I look that i have a good quality why should i skate a diffrent brand, but i also like other brands like toy machine, consolidated-awesome brand, good attitude, or minus, via,morphium, koloss, telum, radio, moto-city...
wheels of course wolfsmensch wheels, best wheels i like them more than bones, nobody will that believe but its my taste if you have a flatspot you roll it out in a few minutes, best powerslides but also best grip, what do you want more bearings, skf the old ones, fuck the skate skf, the really old machine skf are the best
and trucks....i rode a long time fury but the kingpin is to big i always stucked after a few grinds, so i switched to krux cause the carving is similar....i loved them but a mthfckg ashole stole my board with the trucks so i decided to try indies....they are higher than my krux trucks but i think i found a new friend of life below my feet.
I love the treflip, heelflips down gaps is an awesome feeling, i also like smith grinds and tailslides-with or without combos, and sw fs boardslide is a great feeling to...between always a great no comply and i have the feeling im high hahahah.
10.You know some from the skateboarding scene from Peru?
No not yet but maybe you could check out if we can stay a few days somewhere and i will show up with the cheers crew
11.News in Cheers Skateboards?
New boards are comming out next year, one of it is the first pro model, and we are planning to start a video, but that takes more time than i thought - as usual with projects like that!
12.News in your life?
Damn everything is new i dont know where to go right now, after live in an awesome land like canada i have to wait the next years if im really get happy here again, otherwise i have to go back , no really nothing really new right now, im searching for a full time job and a old farmers house where i can grow some vegetables (really vegetables not cannabis), built a miniramp in the barn and have a musician room....i definetly will post it when i found one so you will see (and you get invited;))
13.Sabrina,thanks your time! a lot of beers from Sk8 Crew from Peru! and keeping destroy all the skateboards! cheers!
Diego, thank you so much for your friendly attitude and your interest. Keep that alive, this world needs every good man! Say Hi to the skate guys in Peru, hope i can make it one day to peru (ive heard about a....and remember always what lemmy said: Stay away from heroin and be nice to the girls....thank you!
with a.... i meant ayahuasca.